Two and half man

This is one of my favorite tv show!!!!
Hari hari pertama di melbourne, gak tau mesti ngapain.. bolak balik cuma nonton tv doank.. gak nyangka nemu salah satu tv show yg konyol abis.. seru.. ada parnonya siee.. tpp gpp lahh.. emang bukan serial untuk anak2 :D

Critanya di mulai dari peran utama Charlie yang selalu "nikmatin dunia" .. mulai dari drunk sampe tidur ma cewek yg gak dia inget sapa namanya :D .. trus Charlie pny adik yg namanya Alen.. Alen tipenya beda bgt ma Charlie, dia seorang dokter, selalu memperhatikan value idup.. tp romantisme idupnya kacau balau.. dicerai istri sampe bangkrut.. selalu gagal klo kencan ma cewek.. gak punya rumah sampe harus tinggal di rumah kakaknya..
Alen punya seorang anak namanya Jack. Jack anak kecil yg konyol abis.. sok lugu.. polosss.. tapi malu2in. Ibu dari Charlie ma Alen namanya Evelyn.. seorang sales real estate.. sukanya mabuk plus ngencani cowok yg mau beli real estate incarannya *matree kata singkatnya*, hubungan anak dan ibu di pilm ini jelas2 konyol.. lucuu.. dan gak ada sopan santunnya!. Karakter yg paling di sukai ma my hubby and I ituh pembantunya charlie.. yg tiap hari tugasnya bersi'in plus masak di rumah Charlie, namanya Berta. Berta bukan sembarang maid.. dia tau semua kebiasaan orang2 di rumah.. yg paling konyol itu komentar2 yg tidak tertata keluar dr mulutnya.. hauakakakak.. pokok'e siipp!!!

Sebenarnya masih banyak karekter2 laen dr serial ini.. kek Rose.. Judith and deelele.. lengkapnya bisa dilihat di sini

Buat yg gak suka serial basa basi... lucuu.. plus nyentrik.. ini salah satu yg harus di tonton.. klo di melbourne.. bisa di tonton di channel 9.. tiap hari senin sampe jumat.. tiap jam 7.30pm .. trus mulai lagi jam 8.30pm untuk versi adult :D

Swine flu

I found this picture over here. I was quite surprised with the picture and thinking "where the hell the boy's parents are? why they let their boy doin that such thing!".
Well.. now people around the world are scared about swine flu, a flu that they said is a combination of bird flu.. pig flu.. and human flu * isn't a great combination?*
They said.. this flu is found in Mexico for the first time, and i dont know why there.. isnt pig is everywhere around this world? and also bird?? why in mexico?? and the great thing of this flu is this flu can be spread from human to human. So if you are with someone else who suspect from this flu in one room.. you may get this virus!
Now on mexico is just like a Ghost city.. a lost city.. just like a city in Recident Evil movie. i couldnt imagine how people can live with feels scare all the time there :(

Stupid me!

Hmmm.. after sometimes.. I forgot my username and password for this blog account, how stupid is it? Damn
I am a person who are not supposed to have that kind of problem.. its so stupid.. its like my brain is not working anymore.. maybe because its already long time i didn’t exercise my brain again *lazzzyyyyy :D*.. hmmm
Well.. there is no harm to start doin blogging again :)